*searching* The PERFECT home
I am finding it harder and harder to find my Sims the PERFECT home. You know, that beauitful house whose landscaping is amazing. The layout is easy and flows perfectly. Nicely decorated and has the right amount of bedrooms, bathrooms, and 3+ car garage, without being overly HUGE. I'm not a great designer, but maybe I should try. I can't seem to find the one house that I want my Sims to live and die in. That house that gets passed down from generation to generation. The ONE house that if I choose to add onto, it won't mess up the beauty of it.
I'm searching.
Not to say that I haven't found nice houses, but they haven't done what I needed them to do. I need a house that doesn't have to have items from the EA store, or a bunch of downloads in it to be great. Something breath taking, but simple. A house that fits ANYWHERE.